Thursday 24 January 2013

Media Art 1

Assignment 1 : Visual Expression
Artwork Title : "Bribery"


Reading Materials

Bribery Act – ever heard of it ?
A recent survey indicates that 1 in 3 businesses are still partially unaware of the Bribery Act and there is only  just over a month until the Act finally comes into force after a delay of some months from it’s initial implementation date.
120 directors were interviewed in the UK by a major law firm. The headline results of that survey were :-
  • 11% had not heard of the Bribery Act at all
  • 33% of businesses asked are unaware of the detail of the Act
  • 22% do not have any plans to change their policies or procedures as a result of the Act and the potentially very onerous sanctions it creates
  • 16% only at this stage have trained staff on the Bribery Act
  • Over 50% of those asked believed that their business had lost contracts due to a competitor spending more than them on corporate hospitality
The above shows a confused position. On the one hand, small businesses, especially given the updated guidance on the Act now issued (which states that small business are not expected top take the same degree of preventative measures as large ones) are perhaps forming the view that the Act really relates top big multinationals and that any very big fines will be against them. On the other hand, the Act contains tough procedures and sanctions, on a strict liability basis, for failing tro prevent bribery. It would therefore be wise even for small businesses not to simply ignore the Act and operate as though it has no effect on them whatsoever.

Idea Development- Sketches


Final Artwork

Assignment 1 : Visual Expression

Artwork Title : “Bribery”
Name : Sharedzuan Samsudeen
ID : 1102702495

Artist Statement:
In my artwork, i tried to show the audience my expression about this current issue. I’ve improvised the malay culture quotes ,“duit kopi” which is mean the same thing as bribery, as a material for my artwork.

Artwork Treatment :

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