Thursday 24 January 2013

Media Art 1

Media Art Project 01
Artwork Title : "Happy"


Reading Materials

Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.[1] A variety of biological, psychological, religious, and philosophical approaches have striven to define happiness and identify its sources. Various research groups, including positive psychology, endeavor to apply the scientific method to answer questions about what "happiness" is, and how it might be attained.
Philosophers and religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion.Happiness in this sense was used to translate the Greek Eudaimonia, and is still used in virtue ethics. Happiness economics suggests that measures of public happiness should be used to supplement more traditional economic measures when evaluating the success of public policy.

Idea Development

Final Artwork

Media Art Project 1

Artwork Title : “Happy!”
Name : Sharedzuan Samsudeen
ID : 1102702495

Artist Statement :
I choose the topic happy because im a happy everything that makes me happy,i put it all up in my artwork mostly. I played with typography composititon with the help of light and colour to bring up the happy mood.

Artwork Treatment :
Adobe After Effect CS5


Media Art 1

Assignment 3 : Digital Art
Artwork Title : "Methamphetamine"


Reading Materials

Methamphetamine (USAN) (pron.: /ˌmɛθæmˈfɛtəmn/), also known as metamfetamine (INN),[2] meth, ice,[3] crystal,[citation needed]glass,[citation needed] tik,[citation needed] N-methylamphetamine, methylamphetamine, and desoxyephedrine, is a psychostimulantof the phenethylamine and amphetamine class of psychoactive drugs.
Methamphetamine occurs in two enantiomers, dextrorotary and levorotary; dextromethamphetamine possesses the well-known psychostimulant effects of the drug, while levomethamphetamine is CNS-inactive. Although rarely prescribed,[4]dextromethamphetamine is FDA approved for the treatment of ADHD and obesity under the trade name Desoxyn, while levomethamphetamine is a non-prescription over-the-counter nasal decongestant.
Illicitly, methamphetamine may be sold either as pure dextromethamphetamine or in a racemic mixture.

Both dextromethamphetamine and racemic methamphetamine are Schedule II controlled substances in the United States, and similarly the production, distribution, sale, and possession of methamphetamine is restricted or illegal in many jurisdictions. Internationally, methamphetamine has been placed in Schedule II of the United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances treaty.[5]
In low dosages, methamphetamine can increase alertness, concentration, and energy in fatigued individuals. In higher doses, it can induce mania with accompanying euphoria, feelings of self-esteem and increased libido.[6][7] Methamphetamine has a high potential forabuse and addiction, activating the psychological reward system by triggering a cascading release of dopamine in the brain characterized by Amphetamine /Stimulant psychosis.
Chronic abuse may also lead to post-withdrawal syndrome, a result of methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity to dopaminergicneurons. Post-withdrawal syndrome can persist beyond the withdrawal period for months, and sometimes up to a year.[8] In addition to psychological harm, physical harm – primarily consisting of cardiovascular damage – may occur with chronic use or acute overdose.

Idea Development- Sketches

Final Artwork

Assignment 3 : Digital Art

Artwork Title : “Methamphetamine”
Name : Sharedzuan Samsudeen
ID : 1102702495

Artist Statement :
I’ve describe the innocent and chaotic contrast of the issue choosen, which is i tried to show the audience the good side and the bad side.I’ve visualize meth in very creepy and violent way while at the other side is like nothing is dangerous.

Artwork Treatment :
Adobe Photoshop CS5

Media Art 1

Assignment 2- Typography Expression
Artwork Title : "Time"


Reading Materials

Time is a dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future,[1][2][3][4][5][6] and also the measure of durations of events and the intervals between them.[3][7][8] Time has long been a major subject of study in religion, philosophy, and science, but defining it in a manner applicable to all fields without circularity has consistently eluded scholars.[3][7][8][9][10][11] Nevertheless, diverse fields such as business,industry, sports, the sciences, music, dance, and the live theater all incorporate some notion of time into their respective measuring systems.[12][13][14] Some simple, relatively uncontroversial definitions of time include "time is what clocks measure"[7][15] and "time is what keeps everything from happening at once".[16][17][18][19]

Two contrasting viewpoints on time divide many prominent philosophers. One view is that time is part of the fundamental structure of the universe—adimension independent of events, in which events occur in sequence. Sir Isaac Newton subscribed to this realist view, and hence it is sometimes referred to as Newtonian time.[20][21] The opposing view is that time does not refer to any kind of "container" that events and objects "move through", nor to any entity that "flows", but that it is instead part of a fundamental intellectual structure (together with space and number) within which humans sequence and compare events. This second view, in the tradition of Gottfried Leibniz[15] and Immanuel Kant,[22][23] holds that time is neither an event nor a thing, and thus is not itself measurable nor can it be travelled.
Time is one of the seven fundamental physical quantities in the International System of Units. Time is used to define other quantities – such asvelocity — so defining time in terms of such quantities would result in circularity of definition.[24] An operational definition of time, wherein one says that observing a certain number of repetitions of one or another standard cyclical event (such as the passage of a free-swinging pendulum) constitutes one standard unit such as the second, is highly useful in the conduct of both advanced experiments and everyday affairs of life. The operational definition leaves aside the question whether there is something called time, apart from the counting activity just mentioned, that flows and that can be measured. Investigations of a single continuum called spacetime bring questions about space into questions about time, questions that have their roots in the works of early students of natural philosophy.
Furthermore, it may be that there is a subjective component to time, but whether or not time itself is "felt", as a sensation or an experience, has never been settled.[3][7][8][25][26]

Temporal measurement has occupied scientists and technologists, and was a prime motivation in navigation and astronomy. Periodic events and periodic motion have long served as standards for units of time. Examples include the apparent motion of the sun across the sky, the phases of the moon, the swing of a pendulum, and the beat of a heart. Currently, the international unit of time, the second, is defined in terms of radiation emitted by caesium atoms (see below). Time is also of significant social importance, having economic value ("time is money") as well as personal value, due to an awareness of the limited time in each day and in human life spans.

Idea Development- Sketches

Final Artwork

Assignment 2 : Type Expression

Artwork Title : “Time”
Name : Sharedzuan Samsudeen
ID : 1102702495

Artist Statement :
In my artwork, i tried to visualized time by using numbers instead of letters . The numbers that falling in sequence represented the time are always running .I choose the dimmy background to show the mood like fading out, represented time pass everything and no turning back time. Actually, I’ve used gold colour for the numbers inside the bigger one to show the audience that the time is gold.

Artwork Treatment :  Adobe Illustrator CS4
Media Art 1

Assignment 1 : Visual Expression
Artwork Title : "Bribery"


Reading Materials

Bribery Act – ever heard of it ?
A recent survey indicates that 1 in 3 businesses are still partially unaware of the Bribery Act and there is only  just over a month until the Act finally comes into force after a delay of some months from it’s initial implementation date.
120 directors were interviewed in the UK by a major law firm. The headline results of that survey were :-
  • 11% had not heard of the Bribery Act at all
  • 33% of businesses asked are unaware of the detail of the Act
  • 22% do not have any plans to change their policies or procedures as a result of the Act and the potentially very onerous sanctions it creates
  • 16% only at this stage have trained staff on the Bribery Act
  • Over 50% of those asked believed that their business had lost contracts due to a competitor spending more than them on corporate hospitality
The above shows a confused position. On the one hand, small businesses, especially given the updated guidance on the Act now issued (which states that small business are not expected top take the same degree of preventative measures as large ones) are perhaps forming the view that the Act really relates top big multinationals and that any very big fines will be against them. On the other hand, the Act contains tough procedures and sanctions, on a strict liability basis, for failing tro prevent bribery. It would therefore be wise even for small businesses not to simply ignore the Act and operate as though it has no effect on them whatsoever.

Idea Development- Sketches


Final Artwork

Assignment 1 : Visual Expression

Artwork Title : “Bribery”
Name : Sharedzuan Samsudeen
ID : 1102702495

Artist Statement:
In my artwork, i tried to show the audience my expression about this current issue. I’ve improvised the malay culture quotes ,“duit kopi” which is mean the same thing as bribery, as a material for my artwork.

Artwork Treatment :